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Illustration by Steffen Aronsen, 8 Seasons Hotel.

The Sami have multiple seasons. The 8 seasons of the Sami people are:

Winter- Springwinter- Spring- Springsummer- Summer- Autumnsummer- Autumn- Autumnwinter.

Dálvi- Giđđadálvi- Giđđa- Giđđageassi- Geassi -Čakcageassi- Čakca- Čakcadálvi.

Because of the 8 seasons of the Sami people, they have different tasks in the different seasons. The reindeer-herding Sámi have their tasks and the sea Sámi have their own, but there are some similarities between them. The eight seasons are most applicable to those who run traditional industries such as reindeer husbandry or farming/fishing. A task can be postponed until the next season if the work cannot be carried out exactly within a certain season. The division of the months is also divided in the middle of the months.

What are the 8 seasons of the Sami people?

Winter: December – February

Under a cover of twenty-four hour per day darkness, the Sami move the reindeer to the forest, the last place to find enough food to support the herd. Here, the reindeer will wait out the harshest period of the year until the sun returns and Nature urges them to return to the calving ground to begin the cycle again. The Sami are present in each of these seasons, but they are merely following the age-old cycle of the reindeer, of birth and death.

The reindeer are on winter pasture

Slaughter for sale and spring/summer supplies

Duodji work

Supervision of the reindeer herd all year round

Spring winter: February – March

The herd begins the migration from the forests to the calving grounds in the mountains. The pregnant females initiate this move and return to roughly the same area every year. Both the reindeer and the Sami move prior to the birth of the calves.

Gathering of the reindeer herd

Drying reindeer meat (Finnmark)


Spring: April – May

The temperature increases and the snow begins to melt. If the reindeer and Sami have not yet reached the calving grounds, travel will be very difficult as the snow turns to slush. During this time, the calves are born in the foothills of the mountains.

Drying reindeer meat (Troms)

Spring migration to the coast (Especially Finnmark)

Reindeer calves

Ice fishing

District meetings

Spring summer: May – June

The reindeer graze and the Sami have some time to rest and prepare for the earmarking of the calves. The calves are still very young and if food is scarce during this time the herd could be adversely affected.

Reindeer calves

Marking of calves

freshwater fishing

Duodji, leather tanning

Summer: June – August

Much of this season is bathed in twenty-four hour per day sunlight. During this time, the important task of earmarking takes place. All the calves must be carefully marked to denote ownership between Sami families and communities.

Calf marking

Lake fishing

Duodji roadside sales

Berry picking

Freshwater fishing

Duodji, leather tanning

Autumn summer: August – September

The Sami begin to prepare for the harsh winter by choosing the bull reindeer destined for slaughter. If the summer has been plentiful, the reindeer will be large and will make it through the winter. If they have not been able to put on substantial weight, the family may have to slaughter more reindeer in order to survive.


Reindeer marking

Kastrating of bull reindeer

Splitting of reindeer

Wood felling

Sedge grass is cut

Autumn: October – November

This is the season of rut. The reindeer mate prior to their return to the winter-grounds. This is also the season for fishing in the mountain- rivers. It will soon grow to cold to remain here in the mountains so the Sami and the reindeer prepare for the move.

Autumn move

Mating time for reindeer


Autumn winter: November – December

The herders lead the reindeer out of the mountains to the lowland bogs where vegetation still thrives. This is the last bit of light that the herd and the Sami will see until the
end of the next season. As the temperature drops, the lowlands
become equally inhospitable.

Slaughter of reindeer for provision

District meetings


A sea Sami year. Same division as a reindeer herding Sami year.



Barn work

Winter cod fishing

Spring Winter:

Barn work

Drying of meat

Spring fishing for cod


Barn work


Ice fishing

Egg collection

Spring summer:

Ploughing/planting season

Salmon fishing

Egg collection


Hay collecting

Salmon fishing in the river

Salmon fishing

Cloudberry picking

Coalfish fishing

Autumn Summer:

Coalfish fishing

Herring fishing

Flounder/Halibut fishing

Berry picking

Potato collecting



Fishing for cod, haddock, herring

Gathering sheep

Collection of duodji materials

Shearing of sheep

Autumn winter:

Small game hunting

Barn work


Illustration by Steffen Aronsen, 8 Seasons Hotel.

Sources: http://www.trestammersmote.no/les_mer.asp?id=222 https://www.laits.utexas.edu/sami/dieda/anthro/concept-time.htm