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by Elin Kåven

Connecting spiritually to nature can be a deeply enriching and transformative experience. Here are some suggestions to help establish a stronger spiritual connection with the natural world. Check out these 19 ways to connect with nature:

1. Mindfulness and Presence: Spend time in nature with a clear and open mind. Be present in the moment, paying attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. Let go of distractions and immerse yourself fully in the natural environment.

2. Meditation: One of the many ways to connect with nature is to practice meditation in natural settings. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. As you meditate, allow yourself to connect with the energy and essence of the natural world.

3. Nature Walks and Movement: Take regular walks in natural areas like parks, forests, or by the ocean. Use this time to reflect, contemplate, and appreciate the beauty and interconnectedness of nature. Maybe you want to express this in a dance, yoga or other practice.

4. Silent Contemplation: Find a peaceful spot in nature, preferably away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sit in silence, observing the world around you without the need for words or explanations. Join a silent retreat or other retreats that offer moments in nature.

5. Nature Journaling: Keep a nature journal to document your experiences, thoughts, and feelings while in natural settings. Sketch or write about the plants, animals, and landscapes you encounter. This can deepen your connection and awareness of the environment.

6. Rituals and Ceremonies: Create your own nature-based rituals or ceremonies. This could involve offering gratitude to the land, water, or other natural elements. These rituals can help you feel more connected to the spiritual aspects of nature.

7. Study and Learn: Educate yourself about the natural world. Learn about the ecosystems, species, and geological features of your local environment. Understanding the intricacies of nature can foster a deeper appreciation and connection.

8. Animal Totems and Symbols: Explore the symbolism and meaning of animals and plants in various cultures and spiritual traditions. You may resonate with particular animals or plants as spiritual guides or totems.

9. Solo Camping or Retreats: Spend extended periods alone in nature. This can be a transformative experience, allowing you to connect on a deeper level with the rhythms of the natural world and your own inner self.

10. Community and Sharing: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in nature spirituality. Participate in group activities, workshops, or events that celebrate and deepen the connection to the natural world.

11. Natural Altars: Create a small altar in a natural setting, using items you find like stones, leaves, or flowers. Use this space for meditation, offerings, or simply as a focal point for your spiritual connection.

12. Guided Nature Experiences: Join guided nature experiences or retreats led by experienced practitioners. These can provide structure and guidance in developing your spiritual connection to nature. 

13.  Research your Ancestry: Find out what relationship your older relatives had to their land. How did they connect to it, how did they live on their land? Mythologies of your kin can also give you answers.  One example is discovering the Sami heritage.

14. Ecological Stewardship: Get involved in conservation and environmental protection efforts. Being a responsible steward of the Earth is a powerful way to express your spiritual connection to nature.  

15. Make Art: Painting, photography, clay, woodwork, collect stones and shells are more ways to connect with nature. Use things from nature and make art. Nature makes it own art all the time, and this is a way to continue that work. 

16. Sound and Music: Everything has a vibration and sound. You can connect vibrationally through chanting, songs, animal imitation, drumming and of course in the Sami peoples case – the yoik

17. Eat Natural Foods: Eat foods directly from the source as much as possible. If you cannot go fishing, hunting and collecting berries, mushrooms etc yourself, buy them locally. Learn about what you can collect in your area. Or grow your own vegetables if you can.  

18. Care for Your Houseplants: Connect to your houseplants by talking to them and notice how they grow and change every day – just like everything in nature. Notice how responsive houseplants are to your actions and energy. 

19. Connect with Yourself: We humans are also nature. We are part of it. Connecting with yourself is connecting with nature, and vice versa.  

Remember that everyone’s spiritual connection to nature is unique, so feel free to adapt and combine these suggestions to create a practice that resonates with you personally. The key is to approach nature with reverence, respect, and an open heart, allowing the spiritual connection to evolve naturally over time.

Do you have more examples of ways to connect with nature? I am almost at 20, but missing 1… 


  1. I have a suggestion for number 20: If you come across trash in a natural area, pick it up. Removing trash in a mindful, caring way from a place that you love, a beach, a forest can be very healing for both the place and you.

    • Thank you Nina! Absolutely that is! We always do that, and most people I know do it. I hope everyone will do it! – Elin

  2. Heyho Elin
    One last point is to be together with animals, to perceive them, learn to understand their communication, going into connection and communication with them. Greetings from Friesland, Germany

    • Thank you Mirjam! Yes, that is so true! That should absolute be on the list! – Elin

  3. Dear friends,

    What a beautiful post WAYS TO CONNECT WITH NATURE !!!
    I have the twentieth:
    20. **Involve in emocony. It takes you right into nature and in touch with the vibrations of plants. An incredibly deepening experience. Sprituality and action. Thinking, saying and doing. Body and Mind. The experience of the elements, the use of the senses and so much more. It is the magic of nature. (www.emoconie.be)
    Emocony (emotional concentrates) works with plants to correct negative emotions. A distillation of these medicinal plants capture the vibrations of them, which are spiritually active. This connection with nature is really healing. Thanks, Nature !

    Thanks and success !

    Pip Gerra
    (Philippe Gérard)

    • Thank you so much for that, Phillippe! 😀 That sounds really interesting and beatuiful! Definately worth a try! – Elin

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