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By Elin Kåven


Rune Fjellheim, from the south of Sápmi, has made a Sami Oracle in Chat GPT (one of the Sami AI tools). This is what he says:

“I have made the “Sámi Oracle”, a specialized GPT that is tailored to answer questions on Sámi issues. You will need a chatGPT+ account.”

“I have updated the Sámi Oracle https://chat.openai.com/g/g-vWjbN6qdJ-sami-oracle and added the Estonian translation service https://translate.ut.ee to the solution. When Sámi Oracle has answered, you can now ask it to translate it to any of the sámi dialects it supports. Here is an example. Test and comment. Here is a small film of how it works, and the text of the resulting response is here: https://chat.openai.com/…/b7f431f9-3e8a-4640-91bd…

We didn’t have a chance to test it—the Sami AI tools—yet, but if you have the opportunity soon, let us know how it works. Let’s see what it can do. We all know how difficult it is to find good sources and information about the Sami people, so this could actually help us quite a bit.

A while ago I did try Chat GPT, and checked to see how much it knew about Sami people, but unfortunately it was not a lot, and not very accurate, so I would not trust the normal Chat GPT, but maybe this works better!


The site https://translate.ut.ee can be used to translate from English to Sámi and vice versa. This is a huge help! You can also find other minority languages on that site.

Hope you enjoy!